Health Screening
At a time when nearly 50 million United States citizens are uninsured i.e. – 1 in 6, more & more Americans are beginning to take their health into their own hands. Trends continue to show that American consumers are turning away from conventional healthcare due to the high costs associated with hospitals and doctors visits. Many are leaving hospitals and doctors’ offices disappointed in the services received and simply want to find a better way.
At Accurate Diagnostics, we give you access to medical tests that were previously unavailable to the general public, or were too expensive some years ago. By providing our health screening services, individuals and businesses alike can rely on affordable tests to diagnose their health very quickly, easily, and hassle-free.
A few benefits to using Accurate Diagnostics Health Screening services:
- Absolutely no prescriptions necessary from our clients
- No insurance needed
- VERY affordable prices for all tests
- Quick turnaround results in less than 24 hours
- Consumers can come to our office or we can come to you… just make your appointment and find out how easy it really is
Benjamin Franklin said it best:
“An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.”
Accurate Diagnostics offers tests for many body functions to ensure your body is in good working order or to help detect or monitor a possible condition. Our tests show your thyroid, kidney, liver, and heart functions, detect hormone levels and screen for diabetes, anemia, fatigue, inflammation, allergies, H. pylori, pregnancy, hepatitis, STD’s, cancer as well as many other conditions.
The chart below is just a sample of the many tests we offer:
Test | What does it tell me |
General Health | |
CMP | Liver and Kidney functions, and Electrolytes.
glucose, BUN (blood urea nitrogen), creatinine, sodium, potassium, chloride, calcium, tota0l Protein, albumin, total bilirubin, Alkaline Phosphatase, AST, SGOT, ALT, SGPT, CO2 |
Health Panel 1
Includes a Comprehensive Metabolic Panel and Lipid Panel |
CMP see above Liver and Kidney Function. Electrolytes.
Gives a cholesterol breakdown reading of good and bad cholesterol and triglycerides |
Health Panel 2
Includes a comprehensive Metabolic Panel, Lipid Panel, and Complete Blood Count. |
Liver and Kidney Function, gives a cholesterol breakdown reading of good and bad cholesterol and triglycerides along with a complete blood count to provide important information about the kinds and numbers of cells in the blood to check for infections and other disorders |
Adrenal Gland | |
DHEA-S (ZRT)- Blood spot or saliva | helps evaluate adrenal gland function |
Fatigue-Tired? | |
Fatigue Panel 1 | CBC, , CMP, Uric Acid, Epstein Bar, Lyme/Western Blot, Total Iron, Mono Test, B-12, Folate |
Fatigue Panel 2
Preferred |
CBC, , CMP, Uric Acid, Epstein Bar, Lyme/Western Blot, Total Iron, Mono Test, with MMA |
Mononucleosis | Tests for Mononucleosis |
Total Iron | Deficiency or excess of iron in body. |
Lyme Disease (TIBC) | Test for Lyme Disease from ticks |
Epstein Bar | To help diagnose mononucleosis (Mono); to help evaluate |
MMA | b-12 deficiency test |
Stomach | |
H.pylori- IgA
Lab based This is not a rapid test |
diagnose an infection with Helicobacter pylori that causes peptic ulcers and linked to migraines, skin conditions, and auto-immune disease |
Pancreas | Looks at glucose and other markers in the urine |
Diabetic Screen | CMP (see above) glucose, Hemoglobin A1C
Metabolic Syndrome
Insulin Resistant |
Insulin (see below), CMP (see above), Hemoglobin A1C (see below) |
Glucose | Glucose level in blood but recommend CMP instead |
Hemoglobin A1C | History of glucose over last couple months |
Insulin | Documents insulin resistance and pre diabetes |
Thyroid | |
Thyroid Panel | TSH,, Free T4, Free T3: Checks Thyroid Function |
TSH | Thyroid Stimulating Hormone |
Free T4 | Thyroxine |
Free T3 | Triiodothyronine |
Liver | |
Hepatic Function Panel Serum: | Good overall Liver check up:
Total Protein, Albumin, Total Bilirubin, Direct Bilirubin, Alkaline Phosphatase, AST, SGOT, ALT, SGPT |
Hepatitis Profile:
Hepatitis A Antibody Total with Reflex |
Hepatitis A Antibody Total with Reflex
Hepatitis B Surface Antibody Hepatitis C Antibody with Reflex |
Hepatitis A Antibody Total with Reflex | Hepatitis A |
Hepatitis B Surface Antibody | Hepatitis B |
Hepatitis C Antibody with Reflex | Hepatitis C |
Kidneys | |
Renal Profile found in CMP under General Health | BUN, Urea, Creatinine etc found in CMP above in General Health |
Cholesterol | |
Lipid Panel | Cholesterol, LDL, HDL, and Triglycerides |
VAP Panel: (Atherotech) | More comprehensive cholesterol panel
15 markers |
Heart and Stroke | |
Cardiac Panel | C Reactive Protein, VAP, Homocysteine, Vitamin D, Ferritin, and Fibrinogen |
C Reactive Protein | Test for inflammation: can not have infection, inflammation, injury or allergy: current or recent |
Homocysteine | Indicator of Stroke, heart disease and Alzheimer’s |
APOE (Atherotech) | Genetic marker for genotypes that tell what type of cholesterol treatment helps |
Ferritin | Determine body's current store of iron |
Fibrinogen (clotting protein) | Clotting: |
Lipo(a) | Lipoprotein (a) helps determine risk of Heart Disease and Stroke |
VAP | See Cholesterol above |
Vitamin Testing | |
Vitamin D testing (Atherotech) | Deficiency can lead to risk of diabetes, cancer,,MS, Heart disease, and stroke |
B12 and Folate | B12 and folate are used in the body for normal red cell formation, tissue and cellular repair, and DNA synthesis. B12 is also important for nerve health. Folate is necessary for cell division. |
MMA test | Best way to test for Vit. B-12 deficiency |
Blood Type and Rh Factor | Find out your Blood type |
CBC | determine general health status. Complete blood count. |
PT/INR | check how well blood-thinning medications (anti-coagulants) are working to prevent blood clots |
PSA | Male prostate cancer marker |
STD | |
STD Panel | Syphilis, Herpes, Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, and Hepatitis Panel |
Syphilis | |
Herpes | |
Chlamydia and Gonorrhea | |
Hepatitis Profile A, B, C | |
Pregnancy | |
Quantitative | Gives Estimated Fetal Age |